Thursday, April 22, 2010

On Fire

Uh yes yes ya'll - on fire lately but today's picks ripped just as I hoped. I knew the $XHB was setting up and as I saw strength in a few names early this morning at the drop off I was actually hesitant to go long.

My one mistake today was not buying at the very bottom - I am up a very large amount today and couldn't have really asked for a better one, but I still have lessons to be learned from this day, the main one being brave enough to pull the trigger a little earlier. I had actually anticipated more downside to come into the $SPX before I was looking for a buy, but the names I was watching were so strong, barely moving in the first 30 minutes.

I was only going for a daytrade, but the charts show potentially more upside, however - all of these stocks I am currently in have hit my first target at LEAST:

DHI - I'm not in this one but I should've been, the upside is still there though




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