Monday, March 8, 2010


I was talking to someone the other day about motivation and how some have it and some don't - the fact is, EVERYONE has it, you just must find it within. Everyone has their own story and own motivational factors, and everyone has a point break where they move one way or the other.

A quick note before I begin my rant - I have in NO WAY arrived at my destiny. I do not feel as though I'm above anyone in what I have done or want to do. I understand that everyone has their own mission and I respect everyone individually. Money is in NO WAY a measure of success. And a quick lesson for success, an old manager (Brian Dunivant) once told me - "NEVER feel as though you have arrived", because once you feel like you can't fly any higher you will fall or simply glide.

There was a lesson someone taught me a while back at a business conference I went to in Austin - I cannot remember the guy's name for the life of me, or the book he admittedly stole the idea from, but I paid $250 to go to the conference and I can safely say that every penny was worth it with this one lesson he taught me.

I went up to the guy after the conference during question hour and right as he was done speaking to a student I cut in and said, "Sorry to interrupt - but what you said about the Worrier vs. The Warrior was one of the most inspirational talks I've ever heard. I understand that everyone relates to different things here, but nothing like I've ever heard has spoken to me like that story."

Immediately his eyes lit up after I said this and the entire table, notepads in hand, immediately asked him to repeat what he had said - he told me that was one of the nicest things anyone had ever said to him at any conference he had ever spoken at and thanked me - I actually ended up getting a real estate connection out of him as well, but interjecting to say something nice in order to receive business is a topic of another discussion.

The Worrier vs. The Warrior

People that have worked for me know this story because I preach about it all the time - there are two types of inner characters that constantly conflict within every individual.

The Worrier worries when the going gets tough - The Worrier makes excuses when you show weakness, and is not praising upon showing strength. The Worrier is hurt by every hater, every negative hint that comes from anyone - The Worrier worries that he or she will ultimately fail and never see a glimmer of success.

The Warrior is just as it is pronounced - a fighter when the numbers are not on his or her side. Always outnumbered but never outgunned - The Warrior sees strength where others see weakness, The Warrior finds power in something others see nothing. The Warrior looks at the road less traveled and makes his or her own path, unafraid of what torments he/she might face. The Warrior takes pain and uses it as motivation - The Warrior uses the burn from hate to ignite a fire from within, and turn that fire into a burning desire for success.

What you must ask yourself - is who is speaking to you at these times? Who do you listen to the most? Which character CONSUMES you?

Fear is an emotion felt by everyone - but there are two reactions when it is felt. This is the most important part of the talk and the part that stood out to me the most:

The Worrier is completely controlled by FEAR. When a challenge arises FEAR takes over and he/she takes the easy route. You are on this earth for a very short time, and then what? You have ONE CHANCE to make your existence what you want it to be - are you going to let FEAR control what your life turns out to be?

The Warrior controls FEAR - personally there have been struggles in my life that I have used to turn me into what I am becoming. I am a Warrior because of this - and believe me, it is not perfect every time.


Now that I got that story out of the way - I'm also going to share a message I sent to someone recently that asked me how and where my motivation comes from. Again, do not take these messages as me saying I am successful - because my close friends and family will tell you that I do too much and that I have already spread my wings, whereas I will tell you I always feel as though I am not doing enough. Do not take this message as arrogance, I am merely sharing what I have learned in my short time -

You have to believe that you're better than what is expected of you - you have to picture what it would be like in your head if you were responsible and successful and how your parents and friends will look at you when you are great and respected. You have to think of it hard and think about it everyday, and above all you have to be committed to yourself that you will look at yourself in the mirror and be able to smile that YOU feel good about yourself.

You have to be able to see down the road - what will my parents think of me in 3 years when they see that I built my success? That I am actually great at what I do, whatever it may be. Everyone has their own motivation - mine has always been respect. That whatever I do, even if there are those that will hate me for it, and there will be, they MUST respect me because I am GREAT at what I do. I have had the blessing of having parents that see the same vision for me, my mom trusts that whatever I do I will be great at because I accept nothing less.

I have also had the struggle of those that look down on me and where I've come from. I've had the struggle of money like many and I've never had the kind of connections or been good at "getting the grades" in school. I will never go to an Ivy League School. All of these things are different for you - you just have to replace my blessings with yours, my struggles with yours, my strengths and weaknesses with yours - and the result will indeed be your future.

A strong person accepts full responsibility for every action. There is no luck in life - and FATE is simply the reaction of our actions. If an unprecedented disaster occurs then you are only measured by how you react.

Above all you have to be positive - you can't picture what it would be like if you failed - because that's impossible when it is unacceptable. The biggest gap between those that are successful and those that aren't is the mental battle. You will have terrible days - but you will have the greatest day, and every time you have a dark one you must know there is a brighter tomorrow.


Anyway, that's my rant. There are those out there with MUCH better commentary and knowledge on success and growth and learning how to realize your potential - but that's some of mine. If at least one person enjoys it, I'll be happy.


Chris said...

Really enjoyed the Worrier vs. Warrior. Thanks!

Speero said...

Thanks! Glad I could share and that you enjoyed!

mhass33 said...

Terrific stuff man. Hits hard for those of us focused on making it ourselves