Monday, July 12, 2010

Wallstreet Pokemon Cards

I was speaking with @SellPuts on twitter earlier today and he said, basically, what is going on right now intraday on the $SPY -

"its like "hey buddy im at 107.48, nice ill take 100k.. then you hid my bid at 107.50 then ill take your offer at 107.51!""

Sadly, annoyingly, seemingly true statement.

Price action intraday is about as slow and boring as it gets

One great post, however, which I highly recommend you follow and read is @ChessNWine's post on his blog @ibankcoin - Violent Rejection

He brings up the best possible situation for the conservative and safe trader at this point in this indecisive market - look for a higher low from a pullback on the $SPY. I agree with it being the best possible scenario for the bulls.

Good luck.

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