Thursday, May 6, 2010


Ok - so my take on today, which was awesome by the way. And I'm not completely upset I wasn't buying $VXX or going short or whatever - I have been cash for the last several days, mainly because this is not my market. I do not dump into stocks when I do not feel comfortable - that is the luxury of trading with my own money.

This whole thing was a long time coming... it's the reason I've been all cash for the last 3 or 4 days sitting in a sauna in Dallas watching crap go up for no reason and then dumping the hell out of it. Ok, maybe a fat finger assisted in the madness or something - but it doesn't matter whether you believe that or not - this just shows HOW FRAGILE this entire market is.

For historical purposes, I'm going to give a few links to the hell storm that happened today -

Wall Street Pit
Wall Street Journal
Tiger in Space
CNBC "Trader Error" Triggered this - LOL


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